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making therapy accessible, fee structure is part of my style
I lovingly refer to my practice as a socialist practice. I believe in providing quality, long term, mental health services for as many people as possible. I also trust my clients to know their budget and what is manageable for their budgets weekly and long term. This means, I have a full scale rate that many clients are able to pay, and I have reduced rates that vary over time. All of this goes into one pot and my business runs off of the one pot. I do not set people's rates, my clients set their own rate! If that rate is able to help sustain my business then amazing, and if not, I'll offer referrals for practices that can provide services at that rate.
I believe that when people are able to give more, they will, knowing that this helps others that are not able to give as much at that time. Rates also change, with life, COVID, marriages, divorces, promotions, job losses, etc. We are all in this together and I believe everyone gives as much as they can emotionally and financially during the therapy process.
My full scale rate is $205 for full 55-60 minute sessions or $190 for 45 minute sessions. I do almost all 55-60 minute sessions, unless clinically I believe shorter or longer is valuable. If this rate is not manageable for you right now, let me know and we can see what we can work out.
I do not accept insurance as this limits the clinical work and health insurance is invasive and requires more clinical information than I feel needs to be given. There are multiple ways to pay for session. The first is by using a HSA or FSA account or other health savings account. Another is to submit a "superbill" to your insurance and see if they will reimburse for any of the therapy session. The best way to do find out if this would work for you is to call your insurance provider and ask about Out of Network benefits for mental health. We can always discuss this further if you are interested.
[[Click here to read more about superbills]]
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